So I guess a little about me and the blog would go nicely here. I’m Tom. Freelance writer, author and worldbuilder (it still feels weird to say all that). I have always loved storytelling and, through a series of fortunate events, I am just entering my third year in the biz.

It’s relatively common for anyone in any writing field to start a blog, it’s a good way to showcase your skills to possible clients and get yourself found. The trend is usually to write a blog specifically about writing so you can cement yourself in your chosen niche (it’s all about the niche, folks).
Problem is, my goals extend beyond just writing. I’ve recently come to the realisation that while writing will always be my first love, my true passion is in storytelling (wanky distinction, I know). That comes with a whole range of possibilities which I am at the precipice of exploring.
As you’ll be able to see from my portfolio, I have a mixture of work in writing, game design and voice acting (very minimal). I’ve also been trying to teach myself coding for web development and real-world art using machines (because I wasn’t busy enough).
Can you see the issue yet? I don’t quite have a niche. Unless chronically adding new skills to my to-learn list counts. Instead, I think I’ll treat you all to an incredibly subjective mishmash of things I am learning, thinking and working on.
I plan to talk about some of the bad as well as the good. And, as always, I hope to inspire people to follow their dreams because there are some incredibly talented people in my life and that suggests that there are even more that aren’t currently in it.
So, that’s my proposal. A blog with a little of everything. Some posts will cover my journey and the lessons I’ve learned in the hopes that anyone looking to try it out can do it far more effectively than I did. Others will be about thoughts I have had or hurdles I’m struggling with. It’s likely there will be excited ramblings about the things I’m working on and I might even throw in some about my hobby’s if I don’t feel self-conscious.
I’ll try to organise the blog in terms of topics to help anyone who is only interested in some parts and not others and I’ll try to post each week if I can.
So, this is me. I hope you find something worth reading.