Emerging from a portal, you enter a massive courtyard surrounded by towering structures. Doorways, arches and shapes that all seem reminiscent of entryways stand in concentric rings around a central plinth. You have reached the Archival Threshold, the entry point into The Infinite Archive. The largest repository of information and knowledge throughout all the known universes. So large that it takes up an entire universe itself.

The Infinite Archive will be the home of all my creative projects. It will have it's own website and identity for anyone who wants to explore all my creative adventures without the distraction of my copywriting or creative industries events.
Though it will mainly serve as a home of my creative work, The Infinite Archive will have its own content available. The Special Collections of The Infinite Archive. It began as a challenge to myself, and a way to get back to doing what I love, by writing short pieces of worldbuilding that all stand alone. Some started with a quick name or a concept, while others came from alist of thoughts and ideas I've been keeping for awhile. I'm still figuring out what it will be. A blog. A narrated set of stories. Both. More. But as they stand now, they will be 200 - 500 word pieces to begin with.
These records make up the Special Collections of The Infinite Archive and each piece will be disconnected from all the others. If anything intrigues you, I may be adding a Patreon after it goes live with extra lore that expands on some of the concepts in the original pieces. Who knows...maybe there will be some mysteries across the universes that unfold.
Other than the Special Collections branch of The Infinite Archive, I will be moving four creative projects over to The Infinite Archive.

Aegna: Emergence
A series of urban fantasy stories that together, tell the tale of magic emerging in the world of Aegna. Follow the first users of magic as they learn to wield their powers, from the very first user to the catastrophe that exposed magic's existence to the world.

The Crossworlds
A massive worldbuilding project that I've been working on for the last 6 years and arguably set me on my current path and life. Seven worlds that were once one. Each with it's own magic, races, factions and history. You'll be able to delve deep into the lore, history and current timeline of these worlds in an evolving project that may just kill me.

The Pit
An open world exploration game where players work to escape The Pit. A representation of my own experience with depression and mental illness. Currently, the game is undergoing a massive overhaul and redesign. Players will be able to meet others who have found themselves in the pit, helping or learning from their stories. Learning the secrets and tricks of The Pit, solve puzzles and much more as you choose what escape means to you.
Science and magic (Working Title)
My debut novel, a sci-fi story wearing a fantasy trenchcoat. In the midst of a war that is quickly spiralling out of control, three groups are sent on individual missions. Each group will uncover pieces of a secret that has shaped the world for hundreds of years. Can they survive these discoveries?
There are others that are in their early stages of planning but I will hold off on their announcement until I actually have something to talk about.
Otherwise, that's the Infinite Archive.
Coming to a universe near you.